The Latest

  • For a handy guide to all the key info on river pollution, check out Zero Hour’s River Pollution page and the River’s Trust Sewage FAQs.
  • Find out which candidates for MP back Zero Hour’s Climate & Nature Bill for legally-binding science-led action. Enter your postcode here.
  • Watch BBC Spotlight on the recent sewage protest outside Conservative HQ in South Devon
  • Is the UK really ‘halfway’ to eliminating its carbon emissions? Our new 2 minute video


We are a campaign group working with local MPs and councils to ensure policies on climate change and ecological breakdown follow the science. Currently we are focused on campaigning for the Climate & Nature Bill to pass into law. The bill is already attracting huge support. If adopted, it would transform the UK’s approach to tackling the climate and nature crisis.

Animation by Amy Kate Wolfe and Hannah McNally. Music by Daniel Blake

Why we need the Climate and Nature Bill

The CAN bill is a parliamentary bill drawn up by scientists, academics and lawyers, and supported by a growing cross-party group of over 160 MPs along with many businesses. It’s not radical to want to restore nature and prevent our climate from becoming unsuitable for modern civilisation. The Bill would simply ensure that Government policy is brought into line with the latest scientific advice.

What would passing the CAN Bill achieve?

Click + to expand the boxes above

What can you do?

Use your vote. Check to see which candidates in your seat support the CAN Bill – link.

National Campaign

Zero Hour is co-ordinating a national awareness campaign, meeting with our parliamentary representatives, and providing information to the public. For more information and resources, see the national campaign website


Caroline Lucas – the Case for the CAN Bill

Caroline’s powerful speech to Parliament explaining why we need the CE Bill.

Our Facebook Feed

Many people have an ethical objection to using Facebook. We’d be the first to criticise the company for its unethical behaviour over recent years. But we also feel a responsibility to communicate via Facebook to help counter the misinformation spread on their platform by fossil fuel interests, and the unwillingness of mainstream media to communicate fully on the often complex but nonetheless vitally important subject of climate change.